The 10th OCARINA International Symposium
OCARINA, the OCU Advanced Research Institute for Natural Science and Technology is a cross-disciplinary research organization in Osaka City University. Currently, seven research projects that cross the three departments of the Graduate School of Science, Graduate School of Engineering, and Graduate School of HumanLife Sciences are participating in OCARINA. OCARINA will host the 10th International Symposium on March 5th-6th, 2019 and will present on the advanced research results of these projects.
This year we are planning two mini-symposiums "Progress and future of photosynthetic research" and "Catalysts (tentative)" and invited active researchers in the world. We are also planning the poster session from many younger scientists including students (age under 35) to increase opportunities for lively and informative exchange of views. Approximately 20% of posters will be awarded the poster prize and it will be announced at the banquet.
On behalf of the organizing committee, we encourage the submission of abstracts for the poster session and we hope many people will participate in this symposium and contribute to active discussions.
We look forward to welcoming you to Osaka.
Chair organizer
Adviser to the President of OCU
Director of OCARINA
5th March (Tue.) , 2019(Registration:09:00-) 09:30-18:10
6th March (Wed) , 2019 (Registration:09:00-) 09:30-16:50
Conference Room (10th Floor) , Media Center, OCU
5th March (Tue.) , 2019 18:20-
Meeting Room for Researching Staff (10th Floor) , Media Center, OCU
Registration Form
- If you will make a poster presentation, The application deadline is 12th Feb, 2019 (Tue.)
- If you won't make a poster presentation, The application deadline is 26th Feb, 2019 (Tue.)
The OCU Advanced Research Institute for Natural Science and Technology (OCARINA)
Organizing committee
- Dr. Michio MIYANO (Adviser to the President of OCU / Director of OCARINA / Specially Appointed Professor, Graduate School of Human Life Science, OCU, Japan)
- Dr. Nobuo KAMIYA (Vice Director, OCARINA/Professor, OCARINA, Japan)
- Dr. Naoteru SHIGEKAWA (Vice Director, OCARINA/Professor, Department of Physical Electronics and Informatics (Applied Physics and Electronics), Graduate School of Engineering, OCU, Japan)
- Dr. Yutaka AMAO (Director, ReCAP/Professor, OCARINA, Japan)
- Dr. Tomoko YOSHIDA (Deputy Director, ReCAP/Professor, OCARINA, Japan)
- Dr. Ritsuko FUJII (Associate Professor, OCARINA, Japan)
- Dr. Keisuke KAWAKAMI (Specially Appointed Associate Professor, OCARINA, Japan)
- Dr. Shusaku IKEYAMA (Specially Appointed Research Associate, OCARINA, Japan)
- Dr. Muneaki YAMAMOTO (Specially Appointed Research, OCARINA, Japan)
- Dr. Yoshihiro YAMAGUCHI (Tenure-track Specially Appointed Associate Professor, OCARINA, Japan)
Invited speakers
- Dr. Alain BOUSSAC (Senior Researcher, Centre national de la recherche scientifique, France)
- Dr. Jian-Ren SHEN (Professor, Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Science, Okayama Univ., Japan)
- Dr. Jian-Ping ZHANG (Professor, Renmin University of China, China)
- Dr. Miwa SUGIURA (Associate Professor, Proteo-Science Center, Ehime Univ.)
- Dr. Takumi NOGUCHI (Professor, Graduate School of Science Department of Material Science, Nagoya Univ.)
- Dr. Yutaka BANNO (Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu Univ.)
- Dr. Leny YULIATI (Principal Investigator, Ma Chung Research Center for Photosynthetic Pigments (MRCPP))
- Dr. Hsyueh-Liang WU (Professor, Department of Chemistry National Taiwan Normal Univ.)
- Mr. Syunichi NAKAMURA (Deputy Manager for Energy Policy, Environmental Policy Division, Environment Bureau, Osaka City Government)
Speakers in OCARINA project team
- Dr. Makoto MIYATA (Professor, Department of Biology and Geosciences(Functional Biosciences), Graduate School of Science, OCU, Japan)
- Dr. Akihisa TERAKITA (Professor, Department of Biology and Geosciences(Science of Biomolecules), Graduate School of Science, OCU, Japan)
- Dr. Nobuo KAMIYA (Vice Director, OCARINA/Professor, OCARINA, Japan)
- Dr. Taro NAKAMURA (Professor, Department of Biology and Geosciences(Functional Biosciences), Graduate School of Science,OCU, Japan)
- Dr. Yasuyuki TSUBOI (Department of Molecular Materials Science, Graduate School of Science, OCU, Japan)
- Dr. Seiya KOBATAKE (Department of Applied Chemistry and Bioengineering, Graduate School of Engineering, OCU, Japan)
- Dr. Soichi SAEKI (Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Physical Engineering (Mechanical Engineering), Graduate School of Engineering, OCU, Japan)
- Dr. Yasuhisa NAKASO (Speial Researcher, OCARINA, OCU, Japan)
Guidelines for Poster Presentations
- The poster board provided is approximately 160 cm high x 110 cm wide.
Please limit the size of your entire poster or poster sections in it.
Recommended poster size is A0. - The presentation number will be assigned to the poster presentation in the book of abstract. Please place your poster on the poster board numbered for you
- Push pin will be available at the site
Display |
5th March, 9:00 - 6th March, 16:50 |
Date |
5th March, 10:30-14:30. Please check the programme.
* During your time, please stay around the poster. |
►►► Word format (We'll update it as soon as details are decided)
►►► List of
Poster Presentations
►►► Abstract of Oral Presentations (Tuesday, 5th March, 2019)-6.3MB
►►► Abstract of
Poster Presentations (No.01-No.27)-24MB
►►► Abstract
of Poster Presentations (No.28-No.53)-25MB
09:00-09:20 | Registration |
09:20-09:30 |
Opening 櫻木 弘之 (大阪市立大学・理事兼副学長) |
09:30-10:00 O1 |
Session 1: 先端バイオ (Frontier Biology) 宮田 真人(理学研究科生物地球系専攻・教授)[英語講演] Title (TBD) |
10:00-10:30 O2 |
寺北 明久(理学研究科生物地球系専攻・教授)、小柳 光正(理学研究科生物地球系専攻・准教授)[英語講演] Animal opsins: non-visual functions and optogenetic applications |
10:30-10:40 | 休憩 (Break) |
10:40-12:10 |
Poster Session [Presentations in English] ポスター発表者によるショートプレゼンテーション[英語講演] 場所 :学術情報総合センター10階 大会議室 |
12:10-13:10 | 昼休憩 (Lunch Break) |
13:10-13:50 |
奇数番号のポスター発表 場所 :学術情報総合センター10階 大会議室 |
13:50-14:30 |
偶数番号のポスター発表 場所 :学術情報総合センター10階 大会議室 |
14:30-14:40 | 休憩 (Break) |
14:40-15:30 S1 |
光合成・人工光合成ミニシンポジウム 特別講演 1(座長:川上 恵典 特任准教授) アラン ブサック(原子力開発研究所、フランス)[英語講演] New Insights on the Oxygen Evolution Mechanism and ChlD1 Function in PhotosystemⅡ |
15:30-15:40 | 休憩 (Break) |
15:40-16:00 I1 |
招待講演 1(座長:川上 恵典 特任准教授) 杉浦 美羽(愛媛大学 プロテオサイエンスセンター・准教授)[英語講演] New Insights on ChlD1 Function in PhotosystemⅡ from Site-Directed Mutants |
16:00-16:20 I2 |
招待講演 2(座長:川上 恵典 特任准教授) 野口 巧(名古屋大学 大学院理学系研究科・教授)[英語講演] Infrared Analyses of Photoreactions in PhotosystemⅡ |
16:20-16:30 | 休憩 (Break) |
16:30-16:50 I3 |
招待講演 3(座長:藤井 律子 准教授) 張 健平(中国人民大学・教授、中国)[英語講演] Light Conversion in Bacterial Photosynthesis |
16:50-17:10 I4 |
招待講演 4(座長:川上 恵典 特任准教授) 沈 建仁(岡山大学 異分野基礎科学研究所・教授、日本)[英語講演] Mechanism of Water-Splitting Catalyzed by the
Mn44CaO5-Cluster of PhotosystemⅡ |
17:10-17:20 | 休憩 (Break) |
17:20-18:10 S2 |
特別講演 2 神谷 信夫(複合先端研究機構・副機構長・教授)[英語講演] Structure of the oxygen-evolving complex and valences of the manganese
atoms in photosystem Ⅱ functioning in photosynthesis |
18:10-18:20 |
記念撮影 場所 :学術情報総合センター10階 大会議室 |
18:20-20:30 |
ポスター賞授賞式・懇親会 場所:学術情報総合センター10階 研究者交流室 |
Wednesday, 6th March, 2019
►►► Abstract of Oral Presentations (Tuesday, 6th March, 2019)-8.4MB
09:00-09:30 | Registration |
09:30-09:50 O3 |
Session 2: バイオリソース (Bio-Resource) 中村 太郎(理学研究科生物地球系専攻・教授)[日本語講演] ナショナルバイオリソースプロジェクト酵母 |
09:50-10:30 I5 |
招待講演 5(座長:中村 太郎 教授) 伴野 豊(九州大学 農学研究院・教授)[日本語講演] カイコバイオリソースとサイエンスの繋がり |
10:30-10:40 | 休憩 (Break) |
10:40-11:10 O4 |
Session 3: ナノマテリアル光制御 (Optical Control of Nano-Material) 坪井 泰之(大阪市立大学・理学研究科物質分子系専攻・教授)[日本語講演] ナノ物質マニピュレーションを目指す新型光ピンセットの開発 |
11:10-11:40 O5 |
Session 4: 先端マテリアル (Frontier Materials) 小畠 誠也(工学研究科化学生物系専攻・教授)[日本語講演] フォトクロミック分子結晶のフォトメカニカル挙動 |
11:40-11:50 | 休憩 (Break) |
11:50-12:50 O6 |
Session 5: バイオメディカル先端医療工学 (Frontier Bio-Medical Engineering) 佐伯 壮一(工学研究科機械物理系専攻・准教授)[日本語講演] 多機能OCTを応用した再生医療等製品の品質向上と支援機器の開発 |
12:50-13:50 | 昼休憩 (Lunch Break) |
13:50-14:20 O7 |
Session 4: 都市エネルギー・防災 (Urban energy) 中曽 康壽(大阪市立大学・複合先端研究機構・特別研究員)[日本語講演] 日本の沿岸都市域に適用する帯水層蓄熱システムの研究開発成果 |
14:20-14:50 O8 |
中村 俊一 (大阪市環境局 環境施策部環境施策課・エネルギー政策担当課長代理)[日本語講演] 大阪市域における帯水層蓄熱利用の普及促進について |
14:50-15:00 | 休憩 (Break) |
15:00-15:40 S3 |
触媒ミニシンポジウム 特別講演 3(座長:吉田朋子) Leny YULIATI (Principal Investigator, Ma Chung Research Center for Photosynthetic Pigments (MRCPP), INDONESIA) [English lecture] Metal Oxide Photodeposition towards High Activity of Titanium Dioxide Photocatalyst |
15:40-15:50 | 休憩 (Break) |
15:50-16:30 S4 |
特別講演 4(座長:板崎真澄) Hsyueh-Liang WU (Professor, Department of Chemistry National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan) [English lecture] Enantioselective Rh-Catalyzed Syntheses of Chiral Nitrogen Containing Compounds |
16:30-16:40 | 休憩 (Break) |
16:40-16:50 |
Closing 神谷 信夫(大阪市立大学・複合先端研究機構・副機構長) |
3-3-138 Sugimoto Sumiyoshi-ku, Osaka-shi, 558-8585
Access by Public Transport

5 min. walk from Sugimoto-cho Station (JR Hanwa Line) .
15 min.walk from Abiko Station (Subway Midosuji Line) .
Access from the Main Terminals
From Kansai International Airport (KIX) :
Take the Kansai-Airport Rapid Service, change at Sakai-shi to a local train for Tennoji and get off at
Sugimoto-cho Station.
From Shin-Osaka Station :
Take the subway Midosuji Line and get off at Abiko Station.
From Osaka International Airport (Itami) :
Take an Airport Limousine Bus to Abenobashi Station, then take a local train on the JR Hanwa Line from
JR Tennoji Station and get off at Sugimoto-cho Station.
Smoking Area
