
We are working on the most advanced science and technology across the field with project system for global and multidisciplinary advanced research subjects including the environment, energy, resources, ecosystem and humankind.
By working together, we make academic and social proposals and development of human resources, aim to effectively return the results obtained to society and region.

Problems that we humans must resolve immediately include problems such as energy shortage, lack of water resources, global warming, and so on.
These are the problems created by modern cities and have a tremendous influence on the city itself, which is exactly symbolic of modern urban problems.
For us living in Osaka city, as well as being a urgent issue, as one designated city, we propose and recommend measures and guidelines for dealing with these issues just in the world It is considered to be an extremely essential and important task to go.

*OCARINA will set up research projects across the graduate school on complex and advanced research subjects required by society and the community, thereby contributing to academic development and fostering human resources It was opened in April 2010 with the aim of effectively conducting the research and returning the results obtained to the society and the region effectively.

Currently, we are building a research organization that crosses the three research departments of the Graduate School of Science, Graduate School of Engineering, and Graduate School of Life Sciences, and we are also working on research projects, especially targeting Osaka metropolis.

The challenge for the next generation has to be opened up with our generation making the utmost efforts. The challenge is not limited to energy, food, and environment, but we will have to look forward to the future 100 or 200 years ahead. Although such long-term prospects can not be regarded as a problem yet, we would like to become a society's future prospect by addressing essential issues, even if it is micropower. We run multiple projects in 3 to 5 years width and grow as a base to the world from Osaka. This base transcends the Graduate School and the University, and it will grow internationally that connects the present and the future.

*OCARINA : The OCU Advanced Research Institute for Natural Science and Technology
